Friday, October 17, 2008

Life is hectic at best... But all is good!

Wow, last month I couldn't believe it had been a month since I last posted, and now here it is, almost another month. But a lot has happened in that month. We have bought a new house. Oh, and I have to take a moment and tell you about it. It is a great 1940 home in the historic Bivins Edition of Amarillo. Great wood floors, awesome personality, a wonderful yard, great neighborhood, just a fun house. We think we have a contract coming tomorrow on our other house (God is great as we were stepping out on faith when we bought our new home!). We have moved, had some renovations and updating done to our new house, continued with our Life Group ministry at church, and I have taken on some additional responsibilities at work. I have run several 5K and 10K races and even a half marathon. Rochelle has been home for a week and a half but up until that point had been traveling every week and is back in the traveling mode again for who knows how long. And, we have started a new Sunday School class at church. But, God is so good and we both have great careers, God continues to bless beyond any expectations, and we couldn't be happier or more tired!

Cori and Megan are doing well at Southern Nazarene University. Rochelle saw them during a recent business trip to Oklahoma City and we are going there for Homecoming next month. Emily is excelling in her new high school, running Cross Country (not her favorite thing to do), and getting very involved in the church youth group (praise the Lord!). She is excited because school basketball starts next week.

Little Coal Miner (I think we have figured out that Coal is a Yorkie-Poo. And yes, that is actually a real dog breed!) is doing well and the girls are pressuring us to give Coal a playmate... a Great Dane. I'm all for it as I am a dog lover and was raised with dogs, but Rochelle is, shall we say, hesitant. But I think Coal might need a brotha or sista as we have been joking.

Okay, that about catches you up on us. Except that in all of this stuff we call Life it has occurred to me that my basic philosophy of Leadership = Relationships + Influence still holds true. In working with a realtor who has become a huge resource, a carpenter that has gone out of his way to help and even make things better than we asked or paid for, church friends and board members asking for advice as we are losing our pastor of 10 years and getting into the process of finding another, Life Group members looking for stability in the pastoral transition... all these relationships that we have built are fertile ground to become leaders in their lives. Out of these relationships they have allowed us to become influencers, and thus leaders.

Case in point, relationships happen everyday and in all kinds of places and situations. Never forget that people need positive influencers in their lives. It starts with your family but extends to work, colleagues, realtor's, carpenters, friends, church leaders, and on and on. What relationships do you have going on right now that could use a good does of positive influence? When you infuse positive influence into your relationships, no matter how old or intimate they are, you become a leader. Don't take that lightly, but don't shy away from the opportunity either. And when you think it is just too taxing on you think about how taxing it is on God when you come to Him each day asking Him to do something because of the relationship you have with Him.

Life is hectic, but in making someone else's life easier and better you do the same for yourself. I dare you to try and prove me wrong.

Lead Strong and God Bless...

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