Thursday, February 12, 2009

Catching up...

Boy, I have been bad lately about posting. We got to see the baby again last night. 173 heartbeats per minute. The kid was running a marathon in its mommy's tummy. The pictures from the sonogram were cool and if you flip them over it looks like 2 faces (I told Rochelle it looks like Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis. She didn't think it was near as funny as I did). Emily got to go with us and I am not sure she knew what to think of it all? God is so good and modern technology is awesome. We are so blessed and growing more and more excited everyday!

The only bad part about last night is that the technician would not let me take any pictures like the previous tech did... something about hospital rules and stuff. Oh well, always the rule follower I complied.

Thanks for your prayers, God bless!


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