Well, it's one thing to be an interim pastor but quite another to be lead pastor. It's humbling and honoring, but most of all it's intimidating. To think that God would place me in a position of responsibility over His people at FNC. I am more and more realizing just what I do NOT have to offer and how much more grace God provides. I more and more understand Paul's comment that when I am weak I am strong (my paraphrase).
The Holy Spirit is truly doing great things at FNC, and like Paul, we boast in Christ alone lest we think we're actually doing anything other than being obedient. It's been an amazing awareness of His presence in our services and I am praying that we're taking His presence into our homes and places of work.
I am trying to learn to be quiet before the Lord and allow His Holy Spirit to speak. Now I am about ready for Him to stop speaking as the needs seem so great (not really, speak Holy Spirit, lead on). When I look at the things being revealed I shutter because I am simply not capable. But, Jesus never asked me to be capable, He is more than capable through me. He's just looking for a willing servant. So here I am Lord, use me.
Yes, I am honored to be pastoring a wonderful church family. Yes, it is a humbling experience to be in God's will and presence (sometimes a bit overwhelming). But still, it is somewhat intimidating and it is the intimidation factor that I hope I never lose. The intimidation keeps me humble before the Throne of grace and continues my reliance upon Him.
Leading strong in intimidation...
Jeremiah 3:15
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