On September 9th, 2009 at 6:18 PM (18:18 military time; notice all the 9's in this?) life as Rochelle and I know it all changed. Hmm, life as Rochelle and I as well as Cori, Megan, Emily, and everyone in our daily sphere of relationships changed as we know it. Even Coal Miner, our dog, life changed. Jackson Cooper changed our world's forever, and non of us would have it any other way. And with Jack's entrance into our world and our lives new responsibilities immediately entered our world as well, responsibilities that I take very seriously as a new (old) father.
As I have watched 3 beautiful daughters develop into reflections of God and impact their worlds, now I have a tremendous opportunity to help Jack develop into a reflection of God to his world. My timeless advice to the girls "don't grow up to be stupid" has worked so far and I hope to pass that same advice on to their little brother. But more importantly I hope to pass on to Jack to "love the Lord with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength" as well. As I hope that I helped the girls to understand what it is to be a daughter of God and what to look for in a real man, now I hope to teach Jack what a real man is, versus what society has made men out to be.
It has always been a goal as a father to not only teach but to model the way. Not that I am finished with Cori, Megan, and Emily by any means. But now I have another opportunity to improve as I do the same for Jack. As a student of leadership, I am convinced that the greatest lab for leadership development is in our own homes. And while Jack is not a specimen to be experimented on, he is my son with whom to pass on my values, believes, and passions as he develops his own.
Ok Jack, I'm ready if you are. With your mom and sisters by my side we welcome you into as non-normal a family as you'll find, but a family that welcomes God's gift of new life into it with as much joy and love as anyone can imagine.
Lead Strong...
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