Wow! Yesterday I had the privilege of attending a seminar hosted by Amarillo Area Foundation. Ron Archer was the guest speaker (his life story would be enough to warrant buying his books or seeing him in person) and he shared some powerful truth about life... here's a short synopsis:
First; our world is facing what he calls the "4 C's of the 21st Century"
*Overwhelming Complexity
*Increasing Competition
*Unintended Consequences
* Accelerated Change
These "4 C's" can create incredible STORMs (Significant Trauma Overwhelming Reasonable Minds) and how we deal with these STORMs determines our life response and focus. Consider the Wizard of OZ. Of all the great characters, the storm is the real star of the movie because it altered everyone's life. Consider the responses to the storm:
*Dorothy lost her way for a while
*The Tin Man lost his mobility (literally rusted stiff) and was stuck in a rut
*The Scare Crow lost his mind and couldn't think clearly
*The Lion lost heart
*The Wizard chose to live in a facade
Now the truth of the matter is that we all face and will continue to face STORMS in life. The question for each of us today is how we will respond to the STORMs of life? Will they make you Better or Bitter?
Just something to think about, especially in light of today's economic unrest.
Lead Strong in the face of the STORM,
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