Wow, how I love to keep things interesting! This past Tuesday I resigned my position as Executive Director of Worth the Wait to transition back into higher education. I have accepted a position at Amarillo College as Workforce and Economic Development Consultant. And, while I am excited to be moving back into higher education, this is an area that I have never been a part of directly before. Never-the-less, I am so excited to be back into higher education. But with the excitement is the sadness of leaving an organization that I firmly believe in. Worth the Wait is an incredible organization with an incredible mission to educate, equip, and empower the youth of Texas Panhandle to choose Abstinence Until Marriage and make positive and healthy life choices. It has been a true blessing to be a part of this organization and work with this awesome staff. It was a very difficult decision but I know in my heart it was the right decision a the right time and that God has opened up this opportunity for me.
In a devotional time this week the writer reminded us that it does not matter if anyone else understands your decisions as long as you are convinced that God is leading you in that direction. Rochelle has been a huge support in this transition and I am so grateful to have her by my side. WTW will be fine and hopefully it is somehow better by my being a part of the organization. Now, I return to my love of higher education and helping people succeed through education.
Transitioning is just a part of our life journey. What an exciting journey God has allowed it to be. Amarillo College here I come!!
Lead on....
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