Yesterday we celebrated God's gift of life by having Jack dedicated at church. It was a fantastic morning for Rochelle and I, along with Cori, Megan, Emily, Mema, Grandpa and Grandma Tregellas, and members of our Life Group at FNC. A special gift came from a great friend. Jimmy Rifenberg wrote and sang a song for the special day which can be seen and heard on Rochelle's blog http://rochellefouts.blogspot.com (I know, I know, but I couldn't figure out how to get it to my blog). Jimmy is truly gifted of God as you'll be able to tell once you view the video.
Our pastor and friend John Donnerberg challenged us as parents to raise Jack up in the knowledge and admonition of the Lord and then charged our family, friends, and church to assist us with his nurture. It is great to be a part of a wonderful church family, and to have the support of our family.
To be given the gift of parenthood is an awesome blessing and responsibility. My faith and reliance upon God grows everyday as I watch 3 beautiful daughters take their individual places among their peers. Now it is time to raise Jack to take his place and help lead others as well. My daily prayer is that God would enable me to be the husband Rochelle needs each day and the father Cori, Megan, Emily, and Jack need during each phase of their life journey as well. As parents, may you share a similar prayer.
Lead Strong, your family needs you (and so does mine).